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Physical Education

Welcome to JFK Physical Education!

Hello, my name is Mrs. Laudermilk and I have been teaching physical education in Holbrook for 32 years.

I love watching students grown stronger, physically and mentally, in a playful environment where they don’t even realize they are working hard while having fun! They learn a variety of processes and skills that help them maintain lifelong health and well-being.

Susan Laudermilk

Faculty Information

John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Health/Physical Education
School Email
Job Title
Physical Education Teacher

Physical Education Program Overview

Students in Grades K-5 attend a weekly 45 minute physical education class. During each class, students warm up by spending 5-10 minutes running/walking and 5 minutes stretching. They learn and practice skills for 10-15 minutes and finish the class with a game that builds on those skills. Students play a multitude of games throughout the year that encompass a wide variety of athletic skills. These health/fitness related games promote enjoyment and encourage lifelong physical activity.

It is important that students are prepared for their weekly gym class. Students MUST wear sneakers for gym. Sneakers provide the support, cushioning, and traction needed for the various types of physical activities students participate in. They are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class and to wear layered clothing as needed. Wearing layers can be helpful if they get warm while exercising. 

Kindergarten, Grade 1, & Grade 2
Elementary students in the lower grades learn and work on a variety of physical activities such as flexibility, stretching, and stamina while running/walking. They can complete a 1/2 mile run/walk comfortably. Students learn to develop basic eye-hand and eye-foot coordination. They are taught to follow simple game directions and to cooperate with other classmates in the game setting.

Grade 3, Grade 4, & Grade 5
Upper elementary students build on physical activities and skills they learned in previous years. They can complete a 1 mile run/walk comfortably and competitively. Students participate in complex lead-up games, sports activities that are designed to develop skills for specific sports, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, etc. Fun games are played that help them work on cooperation and teamwork. They learn to exhibit proper sportsmanship skills such as cheering for others, following rules to the games, and not to get angry when they lose.

Physical Education - A Positive Experience For Students

Physical fitness is important for children. Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity. Exercise improves school performance and helps develop social skills. It helps maintain good sleeping patterns and makes kids less likely to develop depression. At JFK, an enthusiastic environment is created where everyone feels comfortable participating, regardless of their abilities or background.

During play, children will learn to move, balance and lift things. This helps them develop fundamental movement skills that will help them stay active in later life. As children get older, physical play will also help them to stay healthy and active. It also strengthens their bones and muscles.

Parents can help support JFK to establish a positive experience for students. We ask that you dress your child/children appropriately for class. Please encourage them to try their best and enjoy the activities. Remind them to be safe in class and be kind to others. Make sure they get outside to exercise, and they won't feel that gym is difficult for them.